You Again Uncle Sam Nazi Kkk

Uncle Sam and Hitler: did America inspire the Nazis' race laws?

Men in white: Ku Klux Klan marching down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC, 1926
Men in white: Ku Klux Klan marching down Pennsylvania Artery in Washington DC, 1926 Credit: Getty

I accept to break a golden rule. Normally, I detest it when people compare today to the Thirties: the link is lazy and often wrong. Donald Trump is not Hitler; neither is Brexit, the EU, or this cold I can't shift. Merely sometimes politicians inadvertently make the comparison difficult to deny, as when congressman Steve King of Iowa tweeted his support for Dutch nationalist Geert Wilders ahead of the Netherlands election, adding that America and Europe cannot salvage their civilization past importing strange babies.

This remark, directly out of the Thirties, makes the publication of Hitler's American Model stunningly well-timed. In his new volume, the Yale professor James Q Whitman argues that the Nazis looked to the United states when writing their race laws.

Critics will say that Whitman makes likewise much of his German language sources, or that his narrow focus obscures the wider context – that the roots of Nazi race police force, which sought to define citizenship past blood, actually lie in 19th-century romanticism, the pseudoscience of eugenics, Hitler's evil and the ordinary Nazi political party members' demands for radical action.

Nevertheless, there'due south a taboo about United states of america innocence that needs breaking here – and Whitman grinds it underfoot. How could Uncle Sam provide any source material for Nazi race laws? America, which was founded on the principles of liberty and equality, later joined the state of war in Europe to defeat fascism – how could the Germans see annihilation in that location but an ideological contrary?

Yous'd be surprised. Every bit Whitman notes, when Hitler was writing Mein Kampf he looked around the world for an case of a land that understood the benefits of racial purity, and institute just 1: "The American Union categorically refuses the immigration of physically unhealthy elements, and only excludes the clearing of certain races. In these respects, America already pays obeisance, at to the lowest degree in tentative start steps, to the characteristic volkische formulation of the state."

Children in Ku Klux Klan costumes pose with Ku Klux Klan Thou Dragon, Dr Samuel Green, in Atlanta, Georgia, 1948 Credit: Getty

Hitler was correct. From the very offset, Americans conceived of freedom as a white European – preferably Protestant – thing, that people from other parts of the world couldn't possibly grasp. If Amerindians, Latinos, Catholics and diverse other groups enjoyed too many rights – the right to vote, in particular – then they could outbreed the Europeans and accept over the country.

And so, from the Twenties until the Sixties, immigration was restricted generally to northern Europe. Americans were, strictly speaking, obsessed with maintaining the purity of their republican arrangement of government rather than their blood. But information technology amounted to the 
same thing.

Whitman shows that legal scholars and Nazi thinkers were fascinated by the Jim Crow laws, which had been drawn up to regulate the lives of American Africans after the abolitionism of slavery. In some states, blacks couldn't vote, employ the same services or marry exterior their peel colour – even if their spouse was some other sort of non-white.

Adolf Hitler Credit: Pro Co

The Nazis, argues Whitman, admired this equally "realistic racism". A couple of German sources, nevertheless, protested that the treatment of mixed-race Americans was an example of "human being hardness", that it was irrational to persecute someone with a tiny drop of African claret equally if they were 100 per cent blackness. That's correct: some Nazis thought the American Jim Crow laws went too far.

Whitman has to concede a lack of testify over whether the The states directly influenced Germany's blood laws, merely he makes a good case for their congruence over immigration. This in a Nazi legal source from 1935: "That the Americans have begun to call back virtually the maintenance of racial purity… can be seen in their immigration laws, which completely forbid the clearing of yellows, and place immigration from the individual European countries under sharp supervision."

Statue of Freedom, Staten Island, New York Credit: Miguel Pintado

Another source, from 1934, concludes that: "Any state, which like [America] adopts a posture of fundamental rejection of would-be immigrants trying to push their way in, which subjects those immigrants whom it chooses to a serial of tests and confessions of loyalty, shows that it values membership in a [racial community] as a precious skillful."

Is Whitman doing America an injustice by quoting Nazis who may well accept misinterpreted its intentions? Ask President Theodore Roosevelt, who wanted to keep "the temperate zones of the new and the newest worlds a heritage for the white people".

What's indisputable is that Nazism arose in an age when the Usa divided races, kept non-Europeans out, and even sterilised the mentally and physically sick to preserve the health of its own conception of a masterful race – or, at least, a race that was capable of being the master of its own destiny.

Children in Auschwitz in 1945, just after the liberation of the camp by the Soviet Army Credit: AP

If we admit, as Whitman asks us to, that far-Correct leaders in dissimilar countries share ideas and aspirations, it's hardly surprising that Steve King tweeted: "Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We tin can't restore our culture with somebody else'due south babies."

Nor should it surprise us that Rex, who is certainly no fool, knows his history. On Fox News, King said that Westerners are declining to breed, that this demographic vacuum is being filled by people "who don't believe in our values" and that we should wait to the by: "We went through a re-assimilation flow from near 1924 to the mid-Sixties because our leadership in Congress understood nosotros needed to have a time to bond back together, to become Americans together again."

Republican congressman Steve King tweeted support of Geert Wilders on March 12, 2017 Credit: AP

I am not trying to link King to Hitler through a few degrees of separation. But it is troubling to encounter such a shameless revival of the thought that a nation's grapheme is defined by its babies, as though they were livestock. Perhaps the liberal menstruum we have lived through, in which mainstream politicians wouldn't dare say such a thing, volition exist the historical exception, not the norm.

Many people have denounced King'southward tweet as un-American. Information technology was not. It was very American.

Hitler's American Model by James Q Whitman

224pp, Princeton, £nineteen.95, ebook £15.56

. To order a copy from the Telegraph for £16.99 plus £1.99 p&p, visit


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